Congress of the ESVD-ECVD 8.-10.9., Brussels

The 25th Annual Congress of the ESVD-ECVD will be held in Brussels, Belgium, from the 8th to the

10th of September 2011.

Details about the scientific and social programmes and the registration forms.

This year the ESVD and ECVD have the pleasure to welcome two other associations: the International Society of Veterinary Dermatopathology

(ISVD) and the Veterinary Wound Healing Association (VWHA) which have contributed to put together a very interesting scientific programme.

The Scientific Organizing Committee is inviting you to present the results of your latest basic or clinical investigations, as a free communication or poster.  

Details for electronically submitting an abstract.

The deadline is April 1, 2011 at 12:00 midnight mainland European time (i.e. Belgium). Abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific organizing committee and acceptation e-mails will be sent by May 31st.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions about  abstract submission or the content of the scientific programme.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Brussels. Web sites of interest  about Brussels and Belgium are: