Töihin EU:lle - haussa Administrators in the field of health and food safety, lisätietoa suomalaisilta, dl 22.6.

Dear Colleagues,

EPSO has published a notice of competition for administrators in the field of health and food safety


The competition is in three parts. 
Parts 1 and 2 relate to policy and legislation in the health and food safety areas but part 3 is for Administrators in auditing, inspection and evaluation in the field of health and food safety.

For those of you interested in applying, please read the notice carefully, follow the instructions to the letter and ensure you meet the deadlines.

Even if you are not interested in applying, you may know people who would make excellent colleagues and who would meet the selection criteria for the competition.  If so, please make sure to let them know about the competition as soon as possible so that they can prepare their application.

Tässä suomenkielinen ilmoitus

Hakuaika päättyy 22. kesäkuuta 2021 klo 12.00 Brysselin aikaa.

Euroopan komissiossa (Directorate-General for Health & Food Safety) jo työskentelevät Minna Junnikkala ja Liisa Rantamäki voivat kertoa lisää omasta arjestaan ja olosuhteista. 

minna.junnikkala (at) ec.europa.eu

liisa.rantamaki (at) ec.europa.eu