Akupunktiokurssi NoVAs/IVAS, dl 15.12.

NoVAS (Nordic Veterinary Acupuncture Society/Nordisk Veterinær Akupunktur Selskab) is happy to welcome you to participate in our upcoming course:


In Sundvollen, Norway and Sappee, Finland

Session I: February 20 – 24, 2019, Sundvollen

Session II: April 24 – 28, 2019, Sappee

Session III: August 21 – 25, 2019, Sappee

Session IV: October 9 – 13, 2019, Sundvollen

Workshops: November 13 – 14, 2019, Sundvollen

Exams: November 16 – 17, 2019, Sundvollen

The most comprehensive veterinary acupuncture course outside China.

This course can be attended by licensed veterinarians and last year veterinary students.

The participants will be able to integrate acupuncture into their practice immediately.

Price: 8.100 e incl. books and course material, excl. travel and hotel expenses.

For more information and registration please see: www.novas.dk  or www.ivas.org or contact course arrangers:

Kim Samuelsen Dk, DVM, CVA:  mr.kim600@gmail.com, Netta Tammisalo, Fi, DVM, CVA, Specialist in Small Animal Diseases: netta.novas@gmail.com , Birgitte Langvad, Dk, DVM, CVA, CVCHM and CCRT: birgittelangvad@nypost.dk  

Ilmoitus julkaistiin Eläinlääkärilehdessä 8/18, mutta virheen vuoksi väärän otsikon alla.